How to get work done with children around

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I recently had someone ask me how I get work done at home with children around and I’m not going to lie to you, it’s not easy. However, with the changing atmosphere and many people now finding themselves working at home, without childcare, I wanted to share a few tips that have helped me get work done while I’m at home with our two kids.

How to get work done with children around:

1) Set your goals first thing in the morning.

What are the absolute things you MUST get done today? Attack those first thing when your energy is the highest and before the day gets away from you. Sometimes I’ll let my oldest watch 30 minutes of cartoons right away in the morning so I can answer an important email, write and send a writing pitch, or accomplish one important thing off of my to-do list.

2) Discuss the situation with your children.

Let them know that mom and dad have to work, how long you need to work for, and what you can do afterwards together. Oftentimes they understand more than we give them credit for.

3) Use screen time, wisely.

Ideally, don’t just shove your child in front of a screen all day to get work done. Although a little screen time is fine, no one recommends an entire days worth! Setup activities that your children can do on their own (follow Busy Toddler on Instagram if you need some ideas!) or set a timer in which they can solo play, color, or do another activity of their or your choosing.

4) Be mindful when you aren’t working.

When you aren’t working, spend time with your children and actually be there. No thinking about work, prepping for your next meeting in your head, etc. Be with them 100% so that when you’re working you’re not feeling guilty for not being as mindful and attentive as you could have been.

5) Wake up earlier or stay up later.

I’m not here to preach morning routines to you but if you’re working from home and have children around, it’s going to be easier to get work done when they are sleeping. If you can get up an hour earlier, great. If you want to stay up an hour later to work, great. Either way, find a time that works for you to have uninterrupted work time. I oftentimes work for a few hours after the kids go to sleep.

6) Have realistic expectations.

No, you’re not going to be as productive as you would be without kids around, that’s a fact. But if this is your new reality, come to terms with it. Don’t get angry at your kids for interrupting you. They are likely confused as to why you are home but can’t give them 100% attention like you can on the weekends or whenever you’re off work.

7) Be grateful you CAN work from home.

There are plenty of people who didn’t even have that choice during the current circumstances.

8) Tag team with your partner or find someone who can help.

Now I know we are practicing social distancing but if you have to get your job done and absolutely cannot focus with your kids around, see if you can find a friend or family member that can help out for a few hours a day/week. Or worst case, tag team with your partner throughout the day to get the uninterrupted time you need.

9) When you are working, FOCUS!

Turn off all distractions including texts, social media, email notifications etc. Make a plan for what you are going to do during that time before you start and then put your head down and do it.

10) Focus on the positives.

Maybe working from home is more stressful and you’re feeling less accomplished/more distracted. But maybe it also means less time commuting, more time to spend with your family, and the ability to eat food at home (that’s cheaper and healthier likely!) We are going through some crazy times right now so try to stay calm and focused on the positive of what you do have going for you.

Alright, that’s it! What tips do you have that help you get work done while at home with children? I’d love to hear what’s working for you in the comments.

Until next time…

stay healthy and stay sane!
